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Roxane Malu - VetrinArte

Roxane Malu



Roxane lives and works in Walloon Brabant, Belgium. She studied painting restoration, gilding and made copies of master paintings (2003-2006). Like her grandfather René Meert, a Belgian figurative painter, she initially worked in drawing, figurative art and oil. Since 2019, abstract art has become his favorite means of expression. An emerging professional artist in 2020, she has since exhibited in galleries and group exhibitions and her paintings have been sold in Europe and the United States.

“Are you coming to the Garden?”

“Let’s Color”

His work combines childish features, delicate shapes and a generous, gestural application of the material. The palette is colorful and bright. The techniques used are mixed (acrylic, pencils, markers, dry and oil pastels, graphite, oil, spray paint, etc.). Working intuitively, she cannot know the final appearance that the canvas will take. Painting evolves like a therapeutic and emotional process, depending on the light, the music and the moment. She likes the idea of transmitting a form of pure energy through her work.

“Through my artistic work, I try to communicate other than through words. The abstract gives me a feeling of freedom of expression but also of challenge. It's like trying to solve a Chinese puzzle: there is no composition, no object to reproduce, you have to start from nothing and create while trying to create meaning and harmony. »

“Here We Go”

"Inner Light"

“As an artist, I try to give back what I receive. I don't receive more than anyone else but I am highly sensitive, even more so when it is visual. A film or a book – it's a bit the same thing for me – can leave a strong impression on me for weeks and I love this immersion in me of its story, its characters and its atmosphere. It's the same for a discussion, a meeting, a piece of music or a simple moment of stopping during the day, to observe the things that are happening right there under my nose. My interest is easily aroused every day and all of this influences my energy and my actions when I work. Feeling so touched by the world, nature, people, I am – despite and thanks to this – constantly in search of discovery. The differences attract me. I like to learn about what I don't know, a technique, a country, a dish, a custom, places and people that I don't usually meet. When I was little and still today, I dreamed of a small device that I would wear on my wrist and which would instantly take me to another era or another place of my choice on this Earth. What an endless exploration that would have been. Traveling is therefore a need, and the journey begins as soon as I close the door of the house. »

“These notions of freedom and transmission are found, I hope, in my works. I like the idea, for me or for every human being, of being able to fully express what we need to express. As long as kindness is part of us and our actions, in my eyes everything is expressible. I work to always free my actions and my mind more while working. And I am happy when the viewer can travel through the composition without prior direction and draw from it what they need. »

“Beyond the Appearances”

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