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Rita Vandenherrewegen - Peinture - VetrinArte

Rita vandenherrewegen


Warisoulx, BELGIUM

After trying different artistic techniques, charcoal, oil painting, watercolor, Rita Vandenherrewegen discovered acrylic painting on plexiglass.

Using sticks and toothpicks as tools, she discovered abstract art through this.

His fundamental inspiration is characterized by color, light, shadow play, movement and material.

Each of his paintings responds to his different feelings and emotions.

“Irradiation 2”

“A painting only lives by the person who looks at it”

“Too Fun Too Fluo”

For Rita, painting is a transmission of emotions.

Everyone can discover the shapes, movements and give their own meaning according to their imagination.

Thanks to the transparency of the plexiglass, the play of shadows and lights take on a different dimension depending on the time of day and the brightness.

To pursue her idea of art, a land of sharing and exchange, she also organizes painting workshops.

Right now



Discover around fifteen of Rita's plexiglass paintings at the Éclipse & Vous guest house

When ?
Right now

Or ?
Eclipse & Vous Guest House
22/A, rue de la brasserie – 5080 Warisoulx


Stage peinture sur Plexiglas - Rita Vandenherrewegen


Artistic painting courses on Plexiglas.

When ?
06/16 – From 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Or ?

Price ?
42€ (material and snack)

For who ?
For adults and children from 9 years old – No prerequisites necessary


From 06/28 to 07/05

Rita Vandenherrewegen - VetrinArte


Check out some of Rita’s Plexiglas paintings at The New Artists gallery.

When ?
From 06/28 to 07/05
Opening on 06/28 from 7 p.m.
Open every day from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Or ?
The New Artists
6, Place de l’Ilon – 5000 Namur

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Discover the paintings of Rita Vandenherrewegen

Find all of Rita Vandenherrewegen’s paintings for sale on VetrinArte